University of Minnesota’s Medical School-Duluth Campus, holds Gateways to Medicine and Research graduation ceremony

U of M Medical School Duluth Campus holds Gateway to Medicine and Research graduation ceremony

On Saturday, August 17th, the U of M Medical School Duluth Campus held their Gateway to Medicine and Research graduation ceremony for their first inaugural 2023-2024 Cohort graduation.

On Saturday, August 17th, the U of M Medical School-Duluth Campus held their Gateways to Medicine and Research graduation ceremony. This is the first inaugural 2023-2024 Cohort graduation, as students will forge ahead in their medical and academic careers.

The program was created to provide training for students seeking additional training and experiences. Then used their new skills and knowledge to strengthen their application for medical school or biomedical research.

UMD Master’s students Kayli Posselt and Bobby Valusek say graduating from this program is an honor.

“The program also kind of has this bridging effect, serving BIPOC communities and Minnesota Duluth. The medical school here has a mission of upholding world and indigenous populations,” Posselt said. “I think it’s a great opportunity for us to educate ourselves about different cultures. Finding yourself in these spots and having a support system is really important.”

Valusek also says the Gateways to Medicine and Research program helps provide well-rounded approaches to medical health.

“Doctors aren’t just curing stuff, but their goal is to eradicate the root. One of the roots that we’re kind of lacking is really learning about other cultures, and trying to build a bridge,” Valusek said. “I really did learn a lot about the disparities, and what potential I have in the future treating a population who’s native.”

The funding for this new program was made possible by a grant that Dr Pedro Fernandez-Funez received in Spring 2023. For more information about University of Minnesota’s Medical School-Duluth Campus Gateways to Medicine and Research program you can read more here. Also for other stories happening at UMD you can read more here.