Vice President leaves Duluth Chamber of Commerce

The Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce is experiencing a change as its vice president departs for new opportunities. Daneil Fanning has been the vice president of the chamber for little over two years and has become a face that many recognize.

Daniel served as the role of Public Policy and worked closely with the small businesses of Duluth. He was also acting as often the face of the chamber when speaking to the media. The Chamber of Commerce is grateful for what Daniel has done in his time and plan to keep the projects he helped with going.

While he departs, the board members of the chamber have come together to form a team to fill the role at the legislature. They are keeping the momentum going for key issues they have. Funding for the 148th Fighter Wing, the air traffic control tower, and key issues like housing, childcare, and workforce, as well as many other bonding priorities.

Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce plans to take a moment of introspection. To make sure they have people in their right place and to reevaluate their enterprise. Daneil was a key member as the Chamber has evolved over the last few years. And now the president of the chamber shares their current timeline.

“So, we’ll take an introspection and make sure that we have the right people in place. And then we will be at some point in time here posting for a position that will include elements of Daniel’s role, but we’ll also have some tweaks to it to make sure that it’s up to date with everything that we’re doing to meet our strategic goals.”

No replacement has been set yet, and the position has not been posted. The Chamber plans to evaluate both their chamber and foundation to make sure that they have the right people in place. As they continue with their vision to make a national place for innovation and technology. From the picks and shovels of natural resources and their blue water economy all the way through end users who are already utilizing AI, robotics and computers in things like advanced aerospace, aviation and in healthcare.

For now, the members of the Chamber wish nothing but the best for Daniel and look forward to collaborating with him in the future.