Vista Star strikes breakwater

At 10:47pm on July 20th, the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Coast Guard, Duluth Fire Department and St. Louis County Rescue Squad were informed of the Vista Star striking breakwater in the Wisconsin Entry.

The vessel had 84 occupants on board during the incident, with one reported non-life-threatening injury. The U.S. Coast Guard responded and evacuated the injured party to Loon’s Foot landing and brought to St. Luke’s for treatment. Duluth Fire and Mayo Ambulance assessed several others for minor injuries.

The Vista Star was listing on one side when authorities arrived at the site. The Vista Star crew has maneuvered the vessel off the breakwater and authorities escorted the vessel to the Minnesota slip where it currently docked. The vessel was able to make the trip to dock under its own power.

The St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office are currently investigating the incident.