Walker & wheelchair wash at The Pillars of Hermantown helps out seniors

Walker & wheelchair wash at The Pillars of Hermantown helps out seniors

The Pillars of Hermantown raised money for the Alzheimer's Association with their $5 wheelchair and walker wash.

Tuesday, The Pillars of Hermantown raised money for the Alzheimer’s Association with their $5 wheelchair and walker wash.

Residents and seniors in the community could come by to have their walkers washed and enjoy a nice grill out.

Originally when looking for fundraising ideas the team was going to do a car wash, but Executive Director Nikoletta Bystrzycka says, “Well that’s quite a bit of work if we have a ton of cars show up. So why don’t we put on something that is senior friendly, we can have all of our residents participate and others from the community as well- let’s do a wheelchair and walker wash.”

And raising money for Alzheimer’s research is something that The Pillars of Hermantown are passionate about. Bystrzycka says, “So we have 20 of our apartments as memory care, and those are geared to those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We know we first hand see what the families go through and what the residents go through dealing with this disease. So, we want to raise as much money as we can to provide the proceeds to the Alzheimer’s Association.”