Wisconsin DNR releases final environmental impact statement regarding Line 5 Segment Relocation Project

The final environmental impact statement regarding Enbridge, Inc.’s proposed Line 5 Segment Relocation Project in Ashland, Bayfield, and Iron counties was released by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Friday September 6th.

According to the Wisconsin DNR the proposed Line 5 Segment Relocation Project aims to reroute the existing pipeline that runs from Superior to the upper peninsula of Michigan. A portion of the existing Line 5 pipeline runs through about 12 miles of the Bad River Reservation of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, the proposed Line 5 Segment Relocation Project would reroute the pipeline around the reservation.

The final environmental impact statement is to help authoritative bodies inform their decision-making process when it comes to permits, approvals and reviews, it does not have a direct effect on the project’s viability. Due to the scope of the proposed project the Wisconsin DNR anticipates permits, approvals and reviews to be required from multiple authorities including:

  • U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Paul District
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
  • Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
  • Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  • Local Governments

The Wisconsin DNR’s final environmental impact statement assessed the risk the project could pose to the “human environment”, meaning “environmental and socioeconomic conditions”. Factors assessed include risks of construction process, the risks of decommissioning the current portion of the pipeline, potential alternative routes for the project, and the risks of not moving forward with the project. The final environmental impact statement also assessed the risk of potential greenhouse gas emissions, and risk of potential spills.

Enbridge released this statement regarding the DNR’s final environmental impact statement: “The release of the final environmental impact statement by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is an important step in the permitting process for the Line 5 Segment Relocation Project which will keep affordable and reliable energy flowing to Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Region.  The project has been designed to avoid and minimize temporary construction impacts, and we believe the planned route is the best alternative.  The Wisconsin DNR has thoroughly evaluated the environmental impacts of the proposed project and have presented their findings in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. The proposed project will construct a new, replacement segment of the Line 5 pipeline around the Bad River Reservation, infuse millions of dollars in construction spending into local communities, create over 700 family supporting union jobs, and preserve the flow of essential energy that millions of consumers in the region rely on every day.  Agreement has been reached with 100% private landowners along the 41-mile project route, chosen because it minimizes construction impacts and protects critical and cultural resources. Enbridge applied for permits for the project in 2020. Construction will begin as soon as all necessary permits and approvals have been received. ” 

You can read the full final environmental impact statement by the Wisconsin DNR here.

You can read more about Line 5 here.