Twila’s Tacos
You’ve heard it said, a little bit of kindness goes a long way.

That phrase rang true here at WDIO Tuesday night. While our staff was busy covering the winter storm that hit us, one of our staff members, our cleaning lady Twila, quietly took it upon herself to bless us with fresh tacos, with her made-from-scratch tortilla shells too.
Now, we all know how much chief meteorologist Justin Liles loves a good taco. He talks about tacos all the time and even wears a shirt that reads, “Taco Assassin.” So when Twila laid out her warm taco shells with all the fresh fixins in our lunchroom, Justin was in heaven.
Twila works for Duluth cleaning contractors and always goes above and beyond for our station, keeping things nice and tidy for us. But Tuesday night she reminded us that old saying is true. Thanks Twila! If we all paid it forward like you, what a great world this could be.