Bird watching that is accessible to everyone

Bird watching that is accessible to everyone

The Wisconsin Sea Grant is hosting bird events and are using guides, mobility ride, and prime locations to make birding accessible to all.

Ever wanted to do some birdwatching but didn’t have the equipment or someone to do it with? Well, Wisconsin Sea Grant has you covered.

For their third year, they are hosting their everyone can bird events. They are using guides, mobility ride, and prime locations to make birding accessible to everyone. Throughout the summer they have been hosting events for people to join and bird watch, but now has become prime time to see some birds.

Natalie Chin, Wisconsin Sea Grant climate and tourism specialist, further expanded on the perfect birding opportunity currently in Wisconsin

“Sure, so this is the time of year when birds are getting ready to sort of move on before winter, which hopefully isn’t coming too soon. We’re just kind of in that period of the year where birds are foraging and eating and then getting ready to move on to where they would spend the winter.”

These events invite people to come join Wisconsin sea grant outdoors as they provide the tools and guides to help anyone who is interested do some bird watching.

“The idea is that all you have to do is show up as yourself and we’ll do the rest, right? So, we have synths and binoculars, we have some mobility devices, folks that need to use those, snacks, kid’s activities, the whole of mine. So, like I said, all you have to do is show up.”

They have one more everyone can bird event this summer on October 12th at Hawkridge, Duluth. They also have more details and information about the event and future ones at their website.