Recognizing September as suicide awareness month

Recognizing September as suicide awareness month

Nami Duluth is an organization that deals with mental health and getting resources for the community. If you're a veteran, student, or family of someone who's going through a mental health crisis, reach out.

Having resources in your back pocket is always a good idea, especially when talking about mental health and suicide prevention. September is suicide prevention and awareness month.

NAMI is a nonprofit organization that is in the business of helping people cope and deal with their mental health as a community.

Board President of NAMI Duluth, Roni Horak, says they offer a wide variety of resources whether you’re a veteran, student or someone looking for support.

Ron Niemi is on NAMI’s Board of Directors and he shared some statistics to help people realize that they are not alone in their struggle.

According to data from the CDC, Niemi says that in 2022 there were 49,000 suicide related deaths. Of that, over 50% of people who took their lives, used a firearm to do so. That same year 13.2 million people gave suicide a serious thought.

There are behaviors to recognize when someone is having suicidal thoughts:

  • Becoming withdrawn
  • Extreme mood swings
  • If someone starts using drugs and alcohol at an increased rate
  • Making phone calls to say goodbye

If you are having thoughts about suicide, call or text the suicide hotline 988. Also having a safety plan if you’re having suicidal thoughts is something Niemi says is helpful.

If you would like to know what resources NAMI has to offer, visit their website. If you have a teenager at home and would like additional resources, visit