Tech Bytes: Hotel keys going digital

Tech Bytes: Hotel keys go digital

Many hotel chains are swapping out physical room keys for digital ones. Samsung meal planning app can now use AI to make meal suggestions based on what's in your fridge. Google makes plans to ensure election safeguards to its platforms, offering candidate profiles and other voter resources.

Hotel keys are going digital. Several hotel chains are reportedly considering replacing traditional plastic room keys with digital alternatives on Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. A recent study revealed a security flaw in plastic hotel keys, which could potentially expose up to three million keys to hackers.

Samsung’s meal planning app now uses AI to check what’s in your fridge and suggest recipes. For $7 a month, users can take a picture of what’s inside their fridge or pantry. The app can recognize food items in your camera roll and tell you what to cook with what you have.

Google is adding new election safeguards to its platforms. YouTube will display candidate profiles, and Google Search will offer voter resources. Google says new safeguards will also ensure AI-generated content is accurate.