Tech Bytes: Meta making changes to AI generated content labels

Tech Bytes: Meta changing AI generated content labels

In today's Tech Bytes from ABC: Meta is changing how it labels AI generated content, Spotify is testing an Emergency Alert System in Sweden. Apple is adding more devices to its vingage list.

Facebook and instagram parent Meta is updating its “Made with AI” labels. The wording is changing to “AI info”. The change comes after photographers complained that meta was mistakenly flagging non-AI generated content. Meta saying the old labels “didn’t always provide enough context”.

Spotify is testing an emergency alert system in Sweden. It would send out information about accidents, serious events, or disruptions of important services. Spotify says the goal right now is to see whether the app can support emergency alerts – which could increase its usage.

Apple is adding more items to its list of vintage products. The iPhone X, the first generation Home Pod, and the first-generation Airpods have been re-classified as vintage. They were released in 2017 and 2016. Products are considered vintage when apple stopped distributing them for sale between 5 and 7 years ago.