Tech Bytes: Synthetic skin could soon come to robots

Tech Bytes: Robots could soon have human skin

In today's Tech Bytes from ABC: Verizon is to pay a fine for its 2022 911 outage, Google is adding new shortcuts to Chrome's mobile app, and robots could soon have human skin.

Verizon hit with a fine over a 911 outage. The company will pay $1-Million dollars to settle an investigation over a December 2022 outage that prevented hundreds of emergency calls in six states. Verizon will implement new measures to comply with FCC rules.

Google is upgrading the Chrome mobile app with new features. Users will soon get new shortcuts for local search results, live sports updates, and trending search suggestions. It’s only available for android users, the upgrades will roll out to Apple devices later this fall.

Robots may soon have human-like skin. Scientists from the university of Tokyo and Harvard U`niversity have developed a new method to attach synthetic skin to machines. This innovation could lead to humanoid robots with skin that looks, feels, and moves like ours.