The secret to becoming a Canada goose

Local poet shares their secret of becoming a Canada Goose

The Good Morning Northland crew get a look into the absurd idea of becoming a Canada Goose. Local author Henry Kneiszel showcases their new book of poems and tells how to catch a reading of "It's All Too Much and I'm Ready to Become a Canada Goose."

Local poet and artist Henry Kneiszel is making a splash with their new book “It’s all too much and I’m ready to become a Canada goose.” On Friday, August 23rd they will be releasing the series of poems during an untraditional reading.

Located at 315 W. Fourth St., Henry will sit in a dunk tank as those in attendance try to dunk them while reading the poems aloud. The reading will start at 5 p.m.

Following the reading, Kneiszel says that you too can become a Canada goose! Anyone who wants to be “reborn” as a Canada goose will have the opportunity to sit in the dunk tank after the reading.

“It’s all too much and I’m ready to become a Canada goose” will be sold at Alt creative starting Friday. You can also find their art, including homemade goose earrings at the small business that is located right next to Uncle Loui’s Cafe.

If you can’t make the reading on the 23rd, Henry says that they will be at Alt Creative on August 26th and 28th to do a more laid back reading.