Ask Dr. Dylan: Building a first aid kit

Dr. Dylan Wyatt, an Emergency Medicine Physician from Aspirus St. Luke’s, weighs in on what should be in our first aid kits.

What should we put in our first aid kit?

Dr. Dylan: There are two parts to a first aid kit: the general “core” supplies that are useful in many circumstances and supplies that will be useful for whatever activity you and your family will be doing.

Examples of general items include:

  • Compression dressings, bandages, gauze, and tape
  • Gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Thermometer
  • Instant cold pack
  • Antibiotic ointment and antiseptic wipes
  • Aspirin

More specialized supplies include:

  • Emergency blanket(s)
  • Instant hot packs
  • Scissors
  • Altitude sickness tablets
  • Inflatable splints

In what scenarios should we customize our first-aid kits?

Dr. Dylan: Besides the specialized supplies listed earlier, it’s important to take into consideration any medical problems one might have. Be sure to bring all medications you are prescribed, and take some time to consider what might be helpful in a pinch. For instance, diabetics or the family members of diabetics should bring a small amount of candy or high sugar content foods in case of a low blood sugar emergency. People who have allergies should bring their epipens. Be sure to not only consider yourself, but others you will be traveling with.

What should we remember if we need to take care of someone else?

Dr. Dylan: Be sure you do not put yourself in danger by trying to help someone. Immediately call emergency services, and then make your way to the individual. If they are conscious, see how they are feeling. If they are unconscious, make sure they are breathing and have a pulse.

I recommend everyone take basic CPR classes if they have the chance – it can make a life or death difference in a dire emergency.