Benefits of a strengths mindset

With so much happening around the world, it is easy to feel weighed down by negativity: That’s the reason The Lift was created.

Stacy Crawford of Klear Water Coaching and Wellness, is a strengths coach that uses the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Born out of the positive psychology movement, 30 million people have now taken the assessment. Crawford describes it as the ‘most credible personality assessment’ because it has over 50 years of supporting data,

Focusing on strengths can be beneficial in all aspects of life: work, family, relationships, and school. It’s always helpful in all types of relationships to be able to articulate our needs and what we do best.

Leaders benefit from knowing the strengths of team members by helping them to place others in roles in which they’ll shine. Families can benefits from strengths too- but they function similarly to teams. You can also focus on strengths to bring a deeper life satisfaction for yourself.

For example, rather than focusing on the lowest grade on a report card, you should look at the high grade and be curious. It’s also not about what you didn’t get done: it’s about what you DID do and celebrating that.

When it comes to weakness, Stacy recommends focusing instead on what we do well. This helps build confidence to tackle challenges.