Celebrating six months of The Lift

The Lift first went on the air Sept. 6, 2022, so the show is celebrating its half birthday!

Host Baihly Warfield, Producer Megan Graftaas, and Reporter Kenny Johnson shared a few of their favorite moments from the first six months of the show.

Kenny had a blast going through the Haunted Ship with Dillon Morello and learning to skate with the UMD Women’s Hockey team.

Megan’s fondest memory is bringing Toby the Mammoth Donkey into the studio to hear about the Save the Brays rescue.

Baihly loved bringing The Lift on the road to places like Bentleyville and the Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon finish line. She also enjoyed investigating if the William A. Irvin is really haunted and exploring the ways people work and play on Lake Superior.

Here’s to another six months!