Duluth East students fundraising for History Day Nationals
Seven students from Duluth East and one from Ordean Middle School are advancing to National History Day.
This year’s theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas.
Duluth East’s Leah Coleman is among the students advancing. Her project is on Expanding the Frontier of Climate Action, when James Hansen testified to congress. Coleman earned 1st place as a state group exhibit, qualifying for nationals.
Garin Hackbarth researched FDR’s Fireside Chats and how they formed a frontier in presidential communication. His work earn him second place at state for a group exhibit.
Both students will travel to National History Day in D.C. on June 11-15.
Seven students from Duluth East and one from Ordean Middle School are advancing to National History Day.
Before they go, they’ll need to fundraise. They’ll showcase their State & National History Day projects at the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum. It’s Tuesday, May 30 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m..
It’s an open house format with two 10 minute performances at 5:50 p.m. and 3:10 p.m..
Donations are appreciated. Cash and checks can be sent to Duluth East High School, with History Day in the memo. The advisor on this project is Ms. Catherine Nachbar.