Embracing Laugh Lines and Turbulence

Embracing Laugh Lines and Turbulence

A podcast that encourages women to embrace life as we we grow older, working through our stresses with laughter.

Two local ladies created a podcast that encourages other 50+ women to embrace their laugh lines and thrive through whatever turbulence life provides.

Gina Ramsey and Debbie Turrise’s Laugh Lines and Turbulence podcast launched in August 2024.

“We both had the idea of doing a podcast together after we both achieved what we wanted to after the age of 50,” Turrise said. “Gina being an author and a writer achieved her dream after 50. And I left a career at the height of my career in the medical field and became a flight attendant.”

They interview CEOs and authors and tackle topics like entrepreneurship and the power of laughter.

“We want to bring humor to just life’s natural progression. So 50 is funny. Once we reached 50, we’re like, oh my God, I can’t believe we’re going through these changes,” Turrise said.

To laugh more this year, they suggest changing what you follow on social media to make sure you’re seeing things that make you happy and are funny.

“And then having a laughter buddy,” Ramsey said. “And I have several laughter buddies. She’s one of them. But to just send something funny to during the day, just to break up the monotony of the day.”

Laugh Lines and Turbulence also posts updates on Facebook.