Five spots to organize before going back to school

Five spots to organize before going back to school

As you prepare to head back to school, getting your closet and mud rooms organized to make the process less stressful.

Going back to school can be hectic, but there are five areas in your home to have organized that will make the first few weeks run smoothly.

Kaitlyn Beise of Tidy Details says these five spots will save time for both parents and kids.

  • Kid’s closet overhaul: “I really like people to kind of take inventory of what they have, what sizes are being held in their dressers and closets, really reassess what’s fitting your kiddos, and making a list of what’s actually needed at the store.”
  • Mudroom makeover: “You want to take out anything that’s not seasonally appropriate and really start thinking about some of the heavier gear that is going to start coming out again so there’s extra space to introduce those items.”
  • Create work zones and drop zones: “We want to have a clear spot where kiddos are going to hang their backpack. It does not need to be in the mudroom. If you don’t have this large mudroom area, you can introduce a hook rail or an accordion rack in the kiddo’s bedroom.” Beise says there also needs to be a spot where important papers are placed for parents to review.
  • Add an after-school snack station: Beise likes to use clear containers at a lower level in the kitchen so that kids aren’t rummaging through. “Maybe you’re creating one bin in the fridge with your string cheeses and some of the healthier options and then one or two bins in a snack drawer that the kids can access when they come home.”
  • Plan outfits: “You’re planning ahead for your week. So ideally, it’s always my goal to have the kiddos’ laundry completed by Sunday. I check out the weather, and then we divvy up what they’re wearing each day. They know, they wake up, they get their clothes on, they come down, and that first step is completed.”