Having conversations with kids that matter

Having conversations with kids that matter

It is important to recognize issues teens maybe having with mental health, Stacy Crawford and son Mason Branstrator share their tips that help the growing pains.

In 2021, the Surgeon General issued a warning about the mental health of teenagers.

The most severe challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic may be behind us, but teens and young adults are still struggling. The Surgeon General recommends empowering you and their families to “recognize, manage, and learn from difficult emotions.’

Which is easier said than done- Stacy Crawford of Klear Water Coaching and Wellness and her son Mason Branstrator, a social media influencer, shares what they’ve learned about how to have those conversations that matter.

They suggest allowing all emotions to be shared openly. But there need to be boundaries in sharing on both sides. Parent may also want to allow kids to share without punishment. And they’ll also need to get involved and learn what’s important to your kids.