History Theatre brings Dorothy Molter’s story to the stage
History Theatre is about to open their one woman show featuring Ely’s one and only Dorothy Molter.
‘The Root Beer Lady’ play starts with meeting up with Molter in her home in the Boundary Waters as a publication names her the loneliest woman in America. It then dives deeper into Molter’s passions and what it was like to live so far north.
The show is taking place down in St. Paul at History Theatre. You can find ticket information here. The show debuted back in 2023 and the show’s playwright and Dorothy actress, Kim Schultz is excited to have it back again.
“I think what inspires me continually is the bravery that took to find your piece of heaven and then say, ‘this is what I want,’ and to do it, and to do it as a woman in 1930!”, says Kim.
The response back in 2023 was something that showcased just how much an impact she made as well.
“I was shocked by the amount of people who came up to me and said, ‘I met Dorothy or I knew Dorothy or you wouldn’t believe what Dorothy said to me,’ or ‘We went up there and had a root beer,’ and so many people have a Dorothy story,” says Schultz.