How to stop procrastinating and eat the frog

The keys to stop procrastinating

If you are a procrastinator, you are not alone. 88% of the workforce procrastinates about something each day.

If you are a procrastinator, you are not alone. In fact some estimate, 88% of the workforce tends to procrastinate for at least an hour a day.

Nikki Karnowski of Metamorphosis Coaching, Consulting, and Training has ideas for how we can learn to stop procrastinating and ‘eat the frog.’ That’s when you do the hardest task on your to-do list first.

“Unfortunately, procrastinators can get a bad rap. Some may think a person is being lazy or that they don’t manage time well, but it usually has less to do with time management– and more about our emotional regulation. If we feel negative about a task it can cause people to avoid it.”

It can be a physiological issues- A Cleveland Clinic study shows low dopamine levels can cause us to procrastinate. “However, I think most of us can relate at some level to putting things off and many times it is because we want to avoid the unpleasant things we need to do,” Nikki adds.

If it’s not a physiological issues, procrastinator should give themselves some passion. In addition to eating the frog, we should remove distraction, break tasks into smaller pieces, and celebrate the successes.