Jewelry sale supports the work and people at Benedictine Living Community

A jewelry sale on Friday and Saturday brings a big boost to the people at the Benedictine Living Community of Duluth.

It’s the 26th year of the sale. One volunteer estimate between 4,000-5,000 items are at Somers Hall at the College of St. Scholastica to be purchased.

“All of this is because of donations. And all of this happens because of volunteers. And we work at it year-round,” Sheila Waverek Amo said. “And it’s kind of like our Super Bowl. That’s how big it is.”

Merry Wallin, Foundation and Marketing Director at Benedictine, said people know this happens every May.

“People really do follow it. They wait for it,” she said.

The auxiliary that puts on the sale spends hours collecting items, then cleaning, sorting, and researching them. The money goes toward scholarships and more.

“They have purchased a stained glass window in our chapel, they have purchased blanket warmers, they have lift equipment,” Wallin said. “And then every once in a while, they’ll say, ‘We want to buy lunch for all your employees.'”

The sale continues from 8 a.m. – noon Saturday at Somers Hall. Most items will be 50 percent off, and some specialty items will be 20 percent off.