Local high schooler is raising money for veterans

Local high schooler is raising money for veterans

Local talk show taking an uplifting look at Twin Ports life by providing news & info relevant to our area.

Belle Modeen has had a passion for music since she was a little kid. 

“She was always singing and dancing and performing and whether we’re in a car or she did, she’d have her own little, little performances she’d put on for us every night. You know, in the living room, just doing funny stuff or all kinds of stuff like that,” said Belle’s dad, Erik. 

If you have gone to sports games in the Twin Ports area, you may have seen Belle performing the national anthem to honor veterans. Belle has also been active in theater for years and has dreams of becoming a singer. 

“Music has just opened so many doors for me. I didn’t realize that I wanted to be a singer until I started high school,” said Belle. “I just feel like music has just always been there for me. When I’m feeling down or when I just need to express myself, I feel like just either picking up the guitar like I said or just music. I don’t know how to explain this, but ever since I was little, I’ve always been into theater and I’ve always been into performing arts. It just has always been kind of like a welcoming door. No one’s ever shut out.”

Amber Gilbert, a Theater and English teacher at Superior High School, has worked with Belle for around eight years through school productions including Shrek, Sound of Music, and Annie.

“I have seen Belle’s voice really grow and have just been really impressed by the growth that she has gone through as a vocalist and also just as a performer and as an actor, you know, a singer or someone who’s performing, they want to be able to connect with the audience and have a lot of charisma on whatever stage they’re singing on,” said Amber. “And I’ve seen just Belle grow a lot as a performer and a singer ever since she was a little baby doing, singing the sun will come out Tomorrow, a lot of growth since then of course.”

This summer, Belle spent three weeks in Nashville. She attended a summer vocal arts camp at Belmont University, collaborated with a variety of singers, and even recorded a song in a recording studio. 

The song, Wildflower, is now on Spotify. Belle says it is about bullying and following your dreams no matter what people think of you.

“That song has really impacted me because throughout my whole life, I’ve been very, like, I know everyone’s been bullied before. But with singing and being different, performing theater, singing and playing instruments, people have always been like, ‘Oh, you’re really bad. You’re not going to go anywhere. You’re just going to stay here and why would anybody want to listen to you?,’ and then I usually get backhanded compliments where people are like, ‘Oh, you’re actually good now.’ Or, ‘You’re kind of good.’ It’s just backhanded compliments,” Belle elaborated. “That song has really kind of hit me in my heart because I know a lot of people go through bullying, and especially in high school, it kind of gets worse and worse.”

As Belle enters her last year of high school, everything will come full circle with her senior project: a concert for veterans.

“When I started my freshman year, I knew I wanted to do a concert to help someone or people. I was just like, it’s literally right in front of me. I’ve been singing these national anthems for people who have fought for our country and for our freedom,” explained Belle. “Going into my junior year last year, I was like, ‘Duh, I’m going to do a concert and raise money to buy guitars for veterans because music heals.’ It’s kind of eye-opening because it’s been in front of me this whole time.”

The concert will be at Warrior Brewing on Saturday, August 24 from six to eight. There will not be tickets, but donations will be encouraged. There will also be a bucket at Morgan Music to collect donations. Proceeds will go towards equipment for veterans. 

“I think that veterans have just gone through so much throughout war and that kind of stuff. Music for me, I think it’s always been there. If I’m down or something like that, I can just pick up the guitar,” said Belle. “Sometimes people, when they’re going to therapy, they can talk it out, but some people, they write down music or they write down poems. It’s kind of like therapy for them. I feel like music can help so many different people, and I feel like it can help veterans too.”

Those close to her say it’s no surprise that she is doing a senior project that will have such a positive impact on others. 

“I’m not surprised that she’s doing something that’s so selfless and Belle is a very kind person and she’s always thinking about other people,” said Amber. “I think it’s going to be a really good opportunity for her but also really good for the community too.”

Belle will be auditioning for American Idol in September, using the Silver Ticket she got when she was a sophomore. She will also be applying to Belmont University and will audition for the commercial music path on November 9th. 

Belle will announce the winners of her fundraiser for veterans on her Instagram, @bellemodeenmusic on November 10. Donations will be accepted until that time.