Make Every Child Smile Toy Drive details
The Make Every Child Smile Toy Drive is coming up this weekend, but organizer Mike Letica says he could still use some help.
He said donations came in much more slowly this year, and there are two groups in particular who could use more gifts.
“The biggest group is teenage boys. I’m not getting a lot of stuff in for that,” Letica said. “And also the toddlers, like let’s say the age of 1-4, those are slow coming in as well. So those are the two main areas that need help.”
He’s also accepting cash donations via GoFundMe, and they’ll use that money to buy gifts for any groups that need supplementing.
Volunteers are wrapping the gifts at the Duluth Pizza Ranch starting at 4 p.m. Saturday.
The gift giveaway will happen from 12-2 p.m. Sunday at Shake It in West Duluth.