Snow shoveling tips from a physical therapist
Before our next big snowfall, here are some tips from physical therapist Dr. Paul Glowacki.
First, there’s actually some common health problems that can be associated with shoveling. Such as, low back injuries, shoulder injuries, slips/falls, or even heart attacks.
In fact after just 2 minutes of shoveling you reach 85% of your heart rate max and that raises blood pressure which adds stress on your heart.
General tips when it comes to shoveling:
-Take frequent breaks
-Wear lots of layers to ward off hypothermia and numbness in your feet (which increases fall risk)
-Wear slip resistant shoes.
Did you know your shovel also makes a difference? Make sure it is fitted to your body (you want it to reach the middle of your chest) and consider the shovel designed for pushing snow versus lifting snow.