‘So Cold!’ a book that’s fitting for the weather

So Cold! a book that’s fitting for the weather

The children's book 'So Cold!' is a story that is definitely fitting for out Minnesota winters.

The children’s book ‘So Cold!’ is a story that is definitely fitting for out Minnesota winters. The author John Coy is a Minnesotan himself.

The story follows a boy and his dad bundling up for the cold weather. They learn to make the weather fun by trying out different experiments like: What happens when boiling water is flung into the air? Or when maple syrup is poured on clean snow? The night before they left a banana outside: now it’s frozen solid. Can they can use it like a hammer?

All of these curiosities are explored with great illustrations by Chris Park who also lives in Minnesota.

You can find ‘So Cold! at your local bookstore or you can click here to learn more about it.