Stacy’s Boredom Challenge: How ‘just being’ can help your mind

Stacy’s Boredom Challenge: How ‘just being’ can help your mind

Did you know that boredom is critical for brain health? It also can improve social connections and creativity.

Boredom get a bad rap, especially during the Summer month, but a Forbes article titled “Why Neuroscientists say ‘Boredom is Good for your Brains’ Health'” by Dr. Bryan Robinson says otherwise.

In the same article and body of research, Dr. Alicia Walk says it is “critical for brain health to let
yourself be bored from time to time,” and it can actually improve social connections and creativity.”

Stacy Crawford of Klear Water Coaching & Wellness says that we are often busy that we forget the value of just being. She refers to this as being present in the moment.

Stacy says that when we are bored we should with with ourselves and out emotion as an important part of self-reflection. Additionally, there’s also the possibility of ‘over doing it’ which can sometimes be stressful and overwhelming.

Stacy is offering a up her own boredom challenge:

Step No. 1: Set your phone down, away and out of reach.

Step No. 2: Sit alone or take a walk for 10 minutes.

Step No. 3: What do you notice?

If this sounds too hard, start with 5 minutes.

Stacy says that sitting in the moment gives your brain some downtime. This space allows for creativity to bloom.