‘Suck less at Parenting’ a new addition to a local author series

New book for local author ‘Suck Less at Parenting’

Local author Cyndi Lewis in an a roll trying to help all of us suck less at life with her new self-help book.

Local author Cyndi Lewis in an a roll trying to help all of us suck less at life with her new self-help book.

She’s releasing her new title, ‘Suck Less at Parenting’, less than six months after her first book ‘Suck Less at Love’. The book aims to answer all the questions that come about when parenting.

This book is the second installment in what Cyndi Lewis hopes to be a self-help trilogy. The last book in trilogy is set to focus on “sucking less at life,” according to Cyndi.

You can find out more on her books on her finished down below:
Suck Less at Love: She Said, He Said Advice on Relationships (The Suck Less Series)
Suck Less at Parenting: How NOT to Raise Little Monsters (The Suck Less Series Book 2)