The power of persistence

The Power of Persistence

Persistence is resolving that you're going to do something no matter what. Nikki Karnowski stops by Lift to talk about the "Power of Persistence".

Persistence is resolving that you’re going to do something no matter what. Nikki Karnowski of Metamorphosis Coaching Consulting and Training says it’s a key piece to doing well in life, “It takes time, effort, commitment, and the ability to persevere.” She says nobody who has reached any level of success has done so quickly.

Nikki suggests changing your mindset and taking action.

There’s a saying in coaching that goes, “Small steps over time equal BIG results” -which puts an emphasis on daily habits.

Nikki emphasizes, “Often victory is right around the corner, but people give up before they get to that finish line. This is where you must persist!”