What is dry needling?

What is dry needling?

Dry needling is a technique to help reset hyper sensistive areas, a neuromuscular technique.

A St. Luke’s physical therapist gave a demonstration of dry needling and explained what conditions it may improve.

The hospital says it helps with “musculoskeletal problems, can help improve range of motion, and decrease muscle or tendon pain.”

Tyler Kobilarcsik says it resets hypersenstive areas.

“It works really well at restoring blood flow to the area, it can help with range of motion, help with strength, all of those things pretty immediately,” Kobilarcsik said. “It’s pretty quick.”

It works by using special needles to stimulate trigger points, increasing circulation and decreasing persistent pain. Common uses include neck and back pain; shoulder, elbow, and hand pain; hip, knee, and foot pain; leg pain; planta fasciitis; scar tissue pain; and hamstrings.

“It does not really hurt, necessarily. It’s kind of a good hurt,” Kobilarcsik said. “Just like a deeper massage type of feel. It should feel like a deep ache, not necessarily like a sharp or a stabbing sensation.”

It’s different than acupuncture, which follows eastern medicine principles that focus on meridians or pathways to restore energy flow.

Kobilarcsik says patients do not need a doctor’s referral to try trigger point dry needling.