What’s Brewing: Moose Lake “Fishing for Vets”

There will be a lot of ice holes drilled on Moose Head Lake next weekend.

Moose Lake Brewing Company is hosting the 6th annual “Fishing for Vets” ice fishing contest. It supports Wounded Warriors.

“It helps us get veterans outdoors,” Logan Shiflett with Wounded Warriors said. “That’s what we do. We take vets outdoors hunting and fishing, things like that, at no cost to them.”

“It’s nice to hear the stories from the guys who have gotten to go out and do things,” Shawn Wigg with Moose Lake Brewing said. “And for us, it brings our community together, and it’s a lot of fun that day.”

It goes from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11 on Moose Head Lake behind the brewery. It costs $20 per hole.

Find more details on their Facebook event or website.