Grand Rapids volleyball, ready to put recent success behind them

The Grand Rapids Thunderhawks volleyball team is preparing for this upcoming season season.

After last year going 21-11 while also being crowned the Section 7AAA champion, and making it to the Class AAA state semifinals.

“With seven seniors on our team they really want to focus on, we were good last year how do we get to great. How do we even be better than last year, so it’s exciting how focused they are. You have to play every point, every point matters. We are not looking ahead at anything we just go game-by-game, set-by-set, point-by-point. That emphasis on working 100 percent during that, will lead to our success,” said head coach Rebekah Morris.

“Ya we are really happy and proud with what our team did last year. We don’t want to expect that we do it again, we want to work ourselves everyday. Pushing ourselves harder the next and focusing on now and what we can do now,” added senior Kyra Giffen.

The Thunderhawks season opener is set for tomorrow against North Branch, with the first serve slated for 6:00 p.m.