Safety tips for 2023 Minnesota fishing opener

The 2023 Minnesota fishing opener is now under 24 hours away, beginning on Saturday.

Late ice outs have been a point of conversation this year. While lakes are opening up, waters are cold and running high.

So angles are recomended to come prepared for low temps and flooding opening weekend.

“So typically hazards that are normally above the surface and easy to see are going to be submerged and make it harder for boaters to spot ahead of time so make sure that you’re maintaining a safe speed and know the area that you’re going to be boating in,” stated Boat and Water Safety Outreach Coordinator Lisa Dugan.

“Make sure that you don’t just bring your lifejacket but wear it, and know that if you do fall in unexpectidly that it’s the one piece of equipment that can help keep your hear above water and get you out of a dangerous situation,” concluded Dugan.

Additionally, the DNR stated fish are active and Walleye hatcheries across the state are doing well.