UMD baseball team is gearing up for a new season and bringing a lot of experience along

The sound of the bat cracking the ball will be in the air soon for the University of Minnesota Duluth Baseball team. There are gearing up and looking to go harder and stronger in this new season after ending last year with a 25-25 record.

“We finished the season strong last year, and we’ve got a good core of guys coming back from that group, especially on the offensive side of things. But we are going to enter in a couple of freshmen, you know, early on in the year from the offensive lineup, which is going to be exciting in itself. But we know that we need to pitch better for us as a team to perform a little bit better than 500 of which we finished last year,” said head coach Bob Rients.

With last year’s experience under their belts, coach Rients hopes and feels that they can bring that into this new season. The Bulldogs hit the mound for their first game against Gannon University at the RussMatt Central Florida Invite in Auburndale, FL on Friday, March 3rd at 10 a.m.