Up North: Minong community comes together to rebuild baseball diamond

Up North: Minong community comes together to rebuild baseball diamond

Up North: Minong community comes together to rebuild baseball diamond

At the corner of Railroad Street and Richards Ave in Minong, Wisconsin lies the representation of ambition, and the execution of a dream.

“There was a board meeting, we wanted to get on the docket, so we were like, ‘Hey, can we get on there?’ And they said, ‘Sure, you’re up,’ and then we showed up and everybody was pretty supportive there and they said, ‘Yeah, that’s for you guys, that’s for youth baseball'”, said Richard Hailey.

After the board meeting, the Hailey’s – Richard and Alicia, both residents of Minong and lovers of baseball – got right to work.

“I think it was Friday I made that video, because we were paying out of pocket for [the field]. And we’re like, ‘Well, where do we get baseball dirt?’ And I made that video, I posted it, and it was a little slow the first day, and then it just blew up. People were so excited. We had businesses send large amounts of money,” shared Alicia Hailey.

The video, to the tune of the iconic “Field of Dreams” speech, showed what looked to be a beat up and neglected baseball field.

However, thanks to the community rallying and coming together, the Hailey’s raised over 3500 dollars, and got the field up and running in no time.

In the 1970s, the field thrived and was home to many little leaguers between Minong, Northwood and Solon Springs.

“I’ve had so many people tell me stories about when they were kids, watching their kids here, their grandkids. People who are older, they just have such good memories, and they’re like, ‘you know, it’s just bringing back so much,'” said Alicia.

Now, just weeks after the the creation of the field, the team of third to sixth graders has a new place to call home.

The process wasn’t easy; The dirt, the bases, the fencing, etc. However, the Hailey’s had some extra help from the boys on the team, and the community.

“It’s the community that poured their heart and soul into this with their money, with their time, with their talents,” said Richard. “It was a joint effort, from stripping these fences, old fences down to putting them up and everybody just gave open-heartedly and it was just most touching to me, is that they wanted to come watch a ball game.”

The field is now up and running, with baseball to be played today, and in the future.