AIS Detectors learn to identify invasives

AIS Detectors learn to identify invasives

Clean, Drain, Dry. We look at ways to identify and report invasive species.

A group of volunteers in the Duluth area called AIS Detectors are learning to identify Aquatic Invasive Species to prevent further spread.

The program is run through the University of Minnesota Extension and the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center.

Megan Weber is an extension educator who helps run the AIS Detectors program.

“It’s an opportunity to show everyday Minnesotans who are curious about what’s in lakes and water bodies around some things that they can look out for that we would prefer to not have in our lakes,” she said.

She demonstrated the difference between Eurasian watermilfoil, an invasive species, and Northern watermilfoil, which is native to Minnesota.

More than 20 volunteers have gone through an online AIS Detectors course and will meet Friday for an in-person workshop at the Great Lakes Aquarium.

The current course is wrapping up, but people can learn more and join at