Rep. Tom Tiffany to retain seat in Wisconsin

Update: The Associated Press has called the U.S. House District 7 race in Wisconsin for Republican Incumbent Tom Tiffany. As of 9:48 pm., Tiffany leads with 65.4% percent of the vote with 89% of the vote counted.
Original Story: Republican Incumbent Tom Tiffany is going head to head with challenger Democrat Kyle Kilbourn for the US House District 7 seat in Wisconsin.
District 7 makes up the majority of North Western Wisconsin and represents more than 20 counties, including Douglas, Bayfield, Sawyer, Iron, Burnett, Washburn and more.
Rep. Tiffany is the incumbent for this seat, having held this office since winning a special election in 2020. Tiffany had also previously served seven years in the Wisconsin Senate and two years in the State Assembly.
Tiffany grew up on a dairy farm near Elmwood, Wisconsin and later graduated from the University of Wisconsin, River Falls with a degree in agricultural economics.
Tiffany has run on issues such as border security, stripping Hyde Amendment protects from law, and lessening regulatory restrictions in place for farmers.
Kyle Kilbourn won the Democratic primary in August. Kilbourn grew up in North Dakota and was the first person in his immediate family to graduate with a four-year degree, from the University of Minnesota, and a doctorate, from the University of Southern Denmark.
Kilbourn has been a board for several local neighborhood groups and most recently was a volunteer for the Oneida County Tourism Diversity and Inclusion project.
Kilbourn has run on the platform of making a more effective and affordable healthcare system, enacting federal policies to bring down the cost of living, and protecting social security.
The latest election results can be found here.