READ Act will mean new curriculum based on science of reading for Minnesota students

READ Act means changes for educators

A look at the way we teach our kids to read, and changes coming down the pike for schools in 2025.

Learning to read may seem like something so natural. Well, there is a science to it, according to experts.

And there’s new curriculum based on that science, that teachers in Minnesota will be required to use starting in the fall of 2025.

“Many students were taught how to look at a word and guess what it is, maybe based on the first letters or a picture, and make predictions. What science tell us is that fluent readers’ brains are attending to every single sound in that word,” explained Katharine Campbell, Director of Groves Literacy Partnerships.

This change is part of the READ Act, which passed the Minnesota legislature in 2023. Additions were made this legislative session, for more funding.

Teachers will need to be trained in this science, according to Campbell.

Groves has been helping schools with this for over 10 years. “We provide a model that includes the new curriculum based on the science of reading. We also send a coach into the building, to walk alongside the teacher and help them become a master literacy instructor,” Campbell added.

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