Fourth of July Forecast

Depending on where you live in the Northland, light rain may impact Independence Day plans. Read the full forecast here and follow any rain with the Interactive Radar.
With the 4th of July on a Thursday this year, there are a variety of events planned throughout the week. Details on holiday activities throughout the area can be found at this link.
There are rain chances sprinkled in the forecast Thursday through the weekend.

Thursday, July 4
Iron Range:

Independence Day will begin with sunshine but have a chance light rain midday. Afternoon highs will be in the low 70s. After dark, it will be cloudy but dry during fireworks time.
Twin Ports:

The 4th will have more clouds than sun and a chance for rain. The morning will be pleasant with temperatures near 70 degrees. Duluth will reach the mid-70s in the afternoon while Superior stays in the upper 60s. Rain chances spike in the late afternoon and then diminish by the time fireworks go off. A few sprinkles are possible, but it is looking like heavier rain will be more towards the Twin Cities than the Twin Ports. Accumulations will be a tenth to a quarter of an inch.
Northwest Wisconsin:

The 4th will begin dry and warm. Afternoon highs will be in the upper 70s. Rain chances will increase by the evening, and showers are expected during the time fireworks are set off. Accumulations of half an inch to an inch are possible, especially east of Hayward.